Impatient patience

Leading a startup requires a balance of two opposite forces and traits.

On one hand, you need to be restlessly impatient:

  • To fix a bug immediately, ensuring your product maintains its reliability.
  • To respond promptly to customer emails or requests, demonstrating your commitment to exceptional service.
  • To find the next customer, always pushing for growth and new opportunities.
  • To add the next feature, continuously improving and expanding your product.

On the other hand, you need measured patience:

  • Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day. True success takes time and perseverance.
  • “Overnight success” is often the result of many years of consistent effort, unseen by the outside world.
  • There will be peaks and valleys, and more valleys and peaks. Embrace the journey, knowing that each challenge is a step toward your long-term goals.

Balancing these two traits is key to navigating the complexities of startup leadership. It’s about knowing when to act swiftly and when to trust the process, understanding that both urgency and patience are essential in their own right.